Sunday, August 8, 2010

Jason's Goodbye

Jason had to head up to Washington before me for our move! His new job starts very soon, but I still needed time to get everything together down here. So sadly Jason has to leave and we'll be apart for 3 weeks!!! Thats probably the longest we've ever been apart. Its going to be a lonely three weeks for us both but I think we're going to be so busy preparing for this move that it will fly by!! Here are some pics from the bbq we had at his parents before he goes.

Jason and his best bud Jered

Jasons brother Matt and Marissa

Jenna and Paul

Ilea and Ali

The Rists

Mackenzie! I actually got her to smile.....sort of!

Jason excited!

Jason's sister Jessica and her hubby Brad

Jason's family
For a week Jason and I got to go to Morro Bay for a family trip. I got to spend time with my two of my brothers, one of my sisters and some of my neices and nephews! We also got to spend time with my cousins and aunt and uncle which all of them live in Canada so I don't get to see them much!We brought Jake and even though he's all about the water, he was not a happy dog when we first got there but finally started to feel better towards the end of the trip. We got to boogie board, swim, tan and take lots of walks on the beach!! Here are some photos from the trip.

The Oates, my aunt, uncle and cousins!

Jakers having a great time at the beach!

Jason and I


My sister Laurel and Maisy!

Jason off to explore.

Ocean here I come!!!

My brother Peter and his wife April


My neice Kiya looking beautiful!

My neice Brenna having a great time!

My brother Kirk

Morro Rock

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Jason and I went up to Washington for a week, we stayed with his Aunt and Uncle in Maple Valley. On the drive up and down we got to stay at my brothers in Portland, OR and I got to play with my adorable nephew Silas! We were able to do a lot which was sooooo much fun. I haven't been to Washington since a couple years after high school, after I use to visit every summer. So here are some of the photos from the trip! Enjoy!!!


I love finding old photos! I love taking pictures so I decided to put some up just for fun.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Here are a few of my favorite things......

So I thought I'd put up some of my favorite things. Some of these are things I don't have yet, but will SOMEDAY!!!!

First for some reason I have a real weakness for beautiful southern homes, big and small. I don't really like anything else southern just the homes!

Favorite flower has always been orchids!!!! Love love the classy, exotic look to them!!

I can't wait to go to Venice someday, I love everything about this city (even though i've never been) just beautiful and historic.

I love antiques of all sorts, mostly the wood furtinture though. I guess because they usually have so much history to them.

Also can't forget my drink , I LOVE Champange.

I love my doggies of course but I'd love to have a Husky someday, I think they are amazingly beautiful and remind me of wolves!!!

I use to go to Morry Bay all the time, and I would just LOVE to have my southern looking home with the antiques in it on the beach. Beach houses are perfect to me.

And of course can't forget my wonderful Hubby! Deffinetly one of my MOST favorite things!!!